How to make a choice argument for ALL objects of a certain type (measure)?
Here is what I have so far:
Here I make a choice argument with all the refrigeration cases in the model ref_case = OpenStudio::Ruleset::makeChoiceArgumentOfWorkspaceObjects("ref_case","OS_Refrigeration_Case".to_IddObjectType,model,true) ref_case.setDisplayName("Apply the measure to") args << ref_case
I would like to also have the option of "All refrigeration cases". I have seen many examples that use the following method:
Here I add building to string vector with space type building = model.getBuilding space_type_handles << building.handle.to_s space_type_display_names << "Entire Building"
However, I would like to maintain the 'makeChoiceArgumentOfWorkspaceObjects("ref_case","OS_Refrigeration_Case".to_IddObjectType,model,true)'
In staying with this approach, how would I add an option for "All Refrigeration Cases"?
In addition to making a choice argument for "all cases", is it difficult to have the option to select more than one case? For example, if I wanted to manually select all low temperature cases.