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New actuator request

asked 2020-05-28 12:20:41 -0600

JuanPablo's avatar

updated 2020-05-28 12:55:53 -0600

Hello, where can I ask for it? Its for Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s} for Fan:ZoneExhaust, Thank you

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I cannot understand your question. Please explain it better if yoyu need help

Ag's avatar Ag  ( 2020-05-29 19:13:41 -0600 )edit

Thank you, I tried to automate my Fan:ZoneExhaust, however in .edd file there´s not the Maximum Flow Rate option. Also I read in I/O reference:"If you need an actuator that you suspect could be provided by the program but is not available, you can use the regular system(s) for user support to request it be added to the program. New actuators are added to the program from time to time so the availability of actuators will grow with each new release."
So my request is to add the mentioned actuator.

JuanPablo's avatar JuanPablo  ( 2020-05-31 08:03:56 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-07-02 09:05:08 -0600

I don't think that a new EMS Actuator to override the Maximum Flow Rate input field of the Fan:ZoneExhaust object is necessary. The maximum flow rate is a user input that cannot be autosized, so you already have control over what that value is. The zone exhaust fan can then have its flow rate change over a simulation according to the Flow Fraction Schedule Name input field. If you leave this schedule name input field blank the exhaust fan will always operate at maximum flow (assuming no other input fields are set to turn it off).

If you want to change the zone exhaust fan flow rate over the simulation, then you want to assign a schedule to the Flow Fraction Schedule Name input field. This should be a new schedule that isn't referenced by anything else in the model. You can then use the EMS Actuator for "Schedule Value" to set the fraction of maximum flow rate of the zone exhaust fan. This post has an example of using the schedule value actuator as an HVAC system on/off setting. Note that this schedule value actuator can only be applied to four schedule object types: Schedule:Year, Schedule:Compact, Schedule:File, and Schedule:Constant.

The excerpt from the I-O Ref that you included in your comment is referencing the EnergyPlus Github site where the source code is hosted. Here is where you can "use the regular system(s) for user support to request it be added to the program" by making a new issue for the EnergyPlus development team to review. This Unmet Hours forum is only used to answer questions about using building energy modeling simulation tools, so this isn't the appropriate place to make such a request.

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Asked: 2020-05-28 12:20:41 -0600

Seen: 161 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '20