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Put the pump On and the chiller is OFF in the same loop

asked 4 years ago

sergerwehbe's avatar

updated 4 years ago

Hi All, I have a chilled water Loop consists of Chiller, pump and adiabatic pipes. Can I make the chiller OFF and let the pump working (ON)? When I use the SYSTEM AVAILABILITY MANAGER, all the loop will be On or Off! how to specify which equipment from the loop to be ON or OFF? Thank you

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answered 4 years ago

What is you purpose?

With a Pump:ConstantSpeed you have the pump running even if there is no load on the loop and therefore the Chiller is Off. The Availability Manager Should be On. Be aware of the heat trafserred to the loop by the pump that could brings the temp loop over the max value and therefore causes a Fatal Error.

If you want to force the Chiller to stay Off even with a cooling load, you can use EMS forcing the Chiller branch flow to zero and all the flow to the by-pass (two parallel branches on the supply side sub-loop).

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Thank you. But if I forced the chiller branch flow to zero! The flow By the pump ( pump is ON ) still pass via chiller while the chiller is OFF? I want the chiller be OFF while the pump is ON and the pump flow enter the chiller without any load from chiller!

sergerwehbe's avatar sergerwehbe  ( 4 years ago )

In my vision is the same. What should happen, thermodynamically speaking, with the flow passing through the Chiller turned off rather than through an adiabatic by-pass pipe?

Ag's avatar Ag  ( 4 years ago )

I tried it. It’s working. Thank you

sergerwehbe's avatar sergerwehbe  ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 4 years ago

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Last updated: May 21 '20