I am not able to get the heating capacity for my heating coil, My main concern is my model is blocking heat in the summer season and viceversa in winters. For this reason, the hot and cold water consumption in summer.

asked 2020-04-20 20:49:52 -0500

Rwadhwa910's avatar

updated 2020-04-21 10:57:47 -0500


   ** Warning ** SizeWaterCoil: Potential issue with equipment sizing for Coil:Heating:Water F1-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** ...Rated Total Heating Capacity = 0.00 [W]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Air flow rate used for sizing = 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Plant loop temperature difference = 11.00 [C]
   ** Warning ** The design coil load is zero for Coil:Heating:Water F1-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** The autosize value for maximum water flow rate is zero
   **   ~~~   ** To change this, input a value for UA, change the heating design day, or raise the
   **   ~~~   **   system heating design supply air temperature. Also check to make sure the Preheat
   **   ~~~   **   Design Temperature is not the same as the Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature. 
   ************* SizeHVACSingleDuct: Potential issue with equipment sizing for AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat = "F2-Z1 VAV REHEAT".
   **   ~~~   ** User-Specified Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.40000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** differs from Design Size Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.
   **   ~~~   ** Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.
   ** Warning ** SizeWaterCoil: Potential issue with equipment sizing for Coil:Heating:Water F2-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** ...Rated Total Heating Capacity = 0.00 [W]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Air flow rate used for sizing = 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Plant loop temperature difference = 11.00 [C]
   ** Warning ** The design coil load is zero for Coil:Heating:Water F2-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** The autosize value for maximum water flow rate is zero
   **   ~~~   ** To change this, input a value for UA, change the heating design day, or raise the
   **   ~~~   **   system heating design supply air temperature. Also check to make sure the Preheat
   **   ~~~   **   Design Temperature is not the same as the Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature. 
   ************* SizeHVACSingleDuct: Potential issue with equipment sizing for AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat = "F3-Z1 VAV REHEAT".
   **   ~~~   ** User-Specified Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.40000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** differs from Design Size Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.
   **   ~~~   ** Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.
   ** Warning ** SizeWaterCoil: Potential issue with equipment sizing for Coil:Heating:Water F3-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** ...Rated Total Heating Capacity = 0.00 [W]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Air flow rate used for sizing = 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** ...Plant loop temperature difference = 11.00 [C]
   ** Warning ** The design coil load is zero for Coil:Heating:Water F3-Z1 REHEAT COIL
   **   ~~~   ** The autosize value for maximum water flow rate is zero
   **   ~~~   ** To change this, input a value for UA, change the heating design day, or raise the
   **   ~~~   **   system heating design supply air temperature. Also check to make sure the Preheat
   **   ~~~   **   Design Temperature is not the same as the Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature. 
   ************* SizeHVACSingleDuct: Potential issue with equipment sizing for AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat = "F4-Z1 VAV REHEAT".
   **   ~~~   ** User-Specified Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.40000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** differs from Design Size Minimum Cooling Air Flow Rate of 0.00000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.
   **   ~~~   ** Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.
   ** Warning ...
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