E+ and simulink - BCVTB error
Hi, i am incorporating E+ and simulink together on bcvtb to control a FCU unit to achieve the desired setpoint temperature. So i created an On/Off controller in Simulink and i am feedbacking room and setpoint temperature from E+ to simulink in BCVTB. However i encountered an error in simulink which is the incorrect port width/dimensions. The error is as follows: Error using simulateAndExit (line 2)
Error in port widths or dimensions. Output port 1 of 'controllertest3/controller/TSetPoi/Cooling Setpoint ' is a one dimensional vector with 512 elements.
Error using simulateAndExit (line 2)
Error in port widths or dimensions. Input port 1 of 'controllertest3/controller/TSetPoi/Sum' is a one dimensional vector with 1 elements.
It says that the output port and the input port which is essentially the same block has different elements, however my dimensions are all set to inherit. Any help is appreciated.
So your controller is set-up with 512 output variables, right? How many inputs are supposed to be fed to EnergyPlus, all the 512?