How can I model swimming pool using eQUEST
In my project,there is a big swimming pool with a air source heat pump heating.The hot water design temperature is 60℃,How can I model it.
In my project,there is a big swimming pool with a air source heat pump heating.The hot water design temperature is 60℃,How can I model it.
Some other things to consider for modeling pools.
Public pools are often drained and refilled as frequently as every month. This is a huge energy and water consumption factor, often larger than the day-to-day use of heating and dehumidification.
ASHRAE Applications has a pretty good section on Nataoriums to help with load calculations.
Also, getting loads from RETScreen can work. TRNSYS has a pool component you can purchase from Transsolar.
There are DX heat recovery AHU's that can save a significant amount of energy, Dectron and Seresco are two common manufacturers. The savings from the heat recovery can be modeled(approximated) in eQUEST, but I haven't tried other tools.
Hope that helps.
In case the question pertains to "how to calculate latent loads and equipment sizing" -- here is one page of resources that will help you determine the model inputs in generating the latent load.
There are a lot of variables though pertaining to how active the pool occupants will be throughout the day, temperature of the pool, whether there is a cover, etc.
Thank you very much!That is what I want to find.
@yongqingzhao - if that's the "correct" answer, then click that checkmark to mark the question as closed.
Please add more details about the specifics of your project, what you are trying to achieve (is the fact that it's a swimming pool relevant to your question or are you just asking how to model a HPWH?), and what you have tried so far.