How is the "Load Whole Building Infiltration" in DesignBuilder calculated?
According to the DB documentation, when loading whole building infiltration (for scheduled natural ventilation), EN 12831 is used. Which clauses of this standard is used. I pinpoint this to either Annex G or subclause of EN 12831:2017. I am however not 100% certain.
Furthermore, to minimise the stack effect when using calculated natural ventilation, I prescribe the outdoor dry-bulb air temperature and ground temperature to be the same with the use of EMS. I also make diffuse and direct solar radiation 0. There still exists a temperature difference of +-1C in the CTF model. Is it possible to create an actuator for internal air temperature? The only other variable which I can think of which should be limited is material surface emissivity as I am not sure if the sky temperature in DB is calculated according to Section 5.1.2 - 5.1.3.