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Bad results in OpenStudio 1.7.0

asked 2015-04-06 17:04:56 -0500

hodor's avatar

updated 2015-07-10 13:50:14 -0500

I just upgrade to OpenStudio 1.7.0 and the results page is really messed up, does anyone else see this?

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-04-06 17:08:49 -0500

Hey @hodor, this is most likely because you are running an older version of EnergyPlus 8.2.0 which was released with a bug in the SQLite output. Several other people have reported this too.

If you have EnergyPlus 8.2.0 installed you should remove it and install EnergyPlus 8.2.0-Update-1 instead. You can tell if you have the right version of EnergyPlus by looking at eplusout.html, the version of EnergyPlus reported should be "Version 8.2.0-8397c2e30b"

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answered 2015-04-16 17:55:40 -0500

Using Energy Plus 8.3 I am having trouble getting outputs in results viewer 1.7.0. Sometimes stating unsupported format likely errors in results other times stating unsupported format no opening the sql file

Anybody else had this problem?

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Welcome @asifdin. This section is for answers to the original question above. Please use the search function for an answer to your question or ask it separate from this one. Thanks.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 2015-04-16 18:34:22 -0500 )edit

Also, your problem might be because OS 1.7 does not support EP 8.3. See @macumber's answer above.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 2015-04-16 18:35:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-04-06 17:04:56 -0500

Seen: 192 times

Last updated: Apr 16 '15