Different outdoor temperature in the same weather data in EnergyPlus
Hello,I ll be appreciate if anybody could answer my question. I used the same weather data, and run periods for 2 buildings.But after the simulation the results of weather in peak are different, such that " outdoor Temperature at Peak",and Outdoor Humidity Ratio at Peak Load in some zones. There are 2 different systems HVAC (GLHP with a VAV system, Boiler and chiller with a VAV system), but the same building(Materials,schedules of lighting...etc). I attached the images of 2 systemsو and I've highlighted the zones have the problems. Buildings have the same zones (5 zones),and geometries. Thank you, (/upfiles/1579887062505534.png)
@rezaei2 - Do you have
objects? If so that's probably the first info you see in the table, the second one is probably from the weather file. PS: I just pasted your pictures into your original post since they're not part of a answer. I couldn't delete the answer though.The sizing period:Design day are same(They have the same Design day). I added the design image in bellow.
What I suggest is that the "weather condition" info ("design day name" column) correspond to data based on the weather file, not from the
. You can see that for the "weather condition, the date and time of peak is different for both buildings, the peak occurs at different times.Thank you so much Jeremy.I'll check that.