asked 2019-12-05 06:06:12 -0500

xzb86's avatar

hi all, I'm working on a FCU+DOAS Template.I set the Designspecification:Outdoorair (1m3/s). create the HVACTemplate:DedicatedOutdoorAir and HVACTemplate:zone:fancoil. After I run the simulation,I checked the report. I found the cooling and heating coil are bigger than expected. and from "Component Sizing Summary" I see max air flow rate of FCU and DOAS are both "1m3/s". Then I checked I/O reference (HVACTemplate:Zone:FanCoil - Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name) it mentions"Enter the name of an HVACTemplate:System:DedicatedOutdoorAir object if this zone is served by a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS). When a Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name is entered, the outdoor air flow rate for this zone equipment object will be set to zero and the DOAS will provide the ventilation air to the zone based on the outdoor air specifications in this object." Now I confused what's wrong with my model. can anybody help to solve it?

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it is strange that "max air flow" of FCU and DOAS always same with my OA value, what's the problem?

xzb86's avatar xzb86  ( 2019-12-08 05:01:21 -0500 )edit