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Fan:SystemModel missing in OpenStudio

asked 2019-11-19 04:14:25 -0500

updated 2020-01-04 10:37:13 -0500

I would like to model in OpenStudio a WaterHeaterHeatPump with a variable speed evaporator fan, so I guess that I need a Fan:SystemModel instead of Fan:OnOff fan, but Fan:SystemModel is missing.

Am I right? When is it Fan:SystemModel expected to be included in the SDK?

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2 Answers

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answered 2019-11-19 09:18:45 -0500

FanSystemModel is not wrapped by OpenStudio yet so it is not currently (as of 2.9.0) available until this issue is fixed and merged...

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answered 2020-01-29 03:30:23 -0500

updated 2020-01-29 03:36:42 -0500

FYI an update: I'm in the process of implementing Fan:SystemModel in OpenStudio. I just have a few kinks to work out, which should be done after PR#3864 is merged.

It should hopefully be available for OpenStudio 3.0 release.

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Asked: 2019-11-19 04:14:25 -0500

Seen: 224 times

Last updated: Jan 29 '20