Daylighting Fraction Controlled
I have placed an illuminance map and daylighting control in a space, and applied the OS Radiance measure, but it does not seem to be beahving as I would expect. I have set the thermal zone's "Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control" to 15%. My understanding is that the Radiance measure creates a new schedule based on the daylighting control's setpoint, and applies this to 15% of the lighting power in that zone, leaving the remaining 85% on the original lighting schedule I've indicated for that load.
Inputs in Sketchup:
C:\fakepath\daylight control.JPG
C:\fakepath\zone daylighting.JPG
What appears to be happening instead is that 85% of the zone lighting load is getting the Radiance schedule, and the other 15% is removed entirely. See the interior lighting outputs for the zone named "S CLASROOMS 2ND FLR TZ".
Without daylighting: C:\fakepath\before daylighting.JPG
With daylighting: C:\fakepath\after daylighting.JPG