Is there a different way to do Inersect/SurfaceMatching
I have scoured this site and tried all the suggestions, but nothing seems to work. I have a fairly straight forward model. All spaces are rectangular. Basement and first floor with return plenums. Some of the first floor spaces are full height. I have tried intersecting and then surface matching with:
Extensions->User Scripts->Alter/Add->Intersect Space Geometry
The SurfaceMatching toolbar
Directly in OpenStudio with Components&Measures->Apply Measure->Envelope->Form-> BCL SurfaceMatching
I've tried every combination of intersecting and SurfaceMatching in SketchUp and even then using BCL SurfaceMatching without intersecting.
Nothing seems to work. I still end up with a lot of unmatched surfaces. It even sometimes flips surface orientation or deletes surfaces all together.
Here is the file before I did any intersect/surface matching:
SketchUp Version 17.2.2555 / OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in Version 2.9.0 / OpenStudio Version 2.9.0
Some before and after screenshots might be helpful, as well as the source and history of the file. I would definitely use the measure, and not the SketchUp plugin. There are certainly cases where there are issues with the measure, but there are also cases whee surfaces in the source model are not co-planer. One note on the measure is that it doesn't support intersection of interior doors and windows.
Thank you David. I added screenshots. Where would I find the source and history of the file? I created this from scratch using SketchUp w/ Plugin. The floor plans were created using the "create spaces from diagram" tool and the plenums were created using the "New Space" tool. Then I stacked them on top of each other.
@Ski90Moo, can you try using this diagnostic version of the measure. It is slower but has some additional capability, specifically here, the remove_collinear_vertices argument may help.