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BeOpt parametric analysis on residence with no AC vs. same with retrofits

asked 2019-10-11 13:50:11 -0500

Emcalvin's avatar

updated 2020-01-15 14:05:33 -0500

Hello I am trying to run my first model and would like to compare the following

1) Temperatures in a home with a given construction in a given location but with no AC system 2) Temperatures in that home once you've added certain retrofits that are available in BeOpt such as window awnings and white roof.

I have seen a demo that shows output in temperatures in Dataviewer that would work well for me. For example, being able to say that there were X number of hours over 80º F in the house before the retrofits, and X number afterward, would be useful. But when I try to run an analysis on a building without a heating or cooling system, I understand that I am not inputting data necessary for the run. (I am not interested in energy savings for the purpose of this project, just indoor temperatures.)

Should I pretend that there is AC in the building for the purpose of the run?

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Can we also get humidity and radiant temperature to allow calculation of thermal comfort and heat stress?

yolotom's avatar yolotom  ( 2020-04-10 00:11:19 -0500 )edit

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answered 2019-10-11 14:12:45 -0500

No, you should not pretend there's an AC in the building. BEopt does not require a heating or cooling system to be defined. If you did add an AC to the building, then the building temperature would always be less than the cooling setpoint and you wouldn't see the retrofit's effect on temperature (rather, you'd see similar temperatures and the retrofit's effect would show up as reduced cooling energy use).

It's possible that you're getting confused by a BEopt warning ("The building has no cooling equipment but a cooling setpoint is specified; the simulation will proceed without a cooling system.") when running without an AC? To address this warning, go to the "Cooling Set Point" category under "Space Conditioning Schedules" and choose the None option.

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Thank you, you are exactly right about what was confusing me.

Emcalvin's avatar Emcalvin  ( 2019-10-11 14:17:33 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-10-11 13:50:11 -0500

Seen: 609 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '19