why zone has no design OA flow for FCU and PAU system?

asked 2019-10-06 08:51:56 -0500

katsuya.obara's avatar

I am trying to implement FCU with PAU system using HVACTemplate:Zone:FanCoil and HVACTemplate:System:DedicatedOutdoorAir.
I specified minimum outdoor air flow rate setting DetailedSpecification for Outdoor Air Method in HVACTemplate:Zone:FanCoil. However, I got following error1 and error2 as a result.
In my understanding, I thought that I could specify design OA flow setting Outdoor Air Method but not working as I expected.
Does anyone know how I can specify design OA Flow for FCU and PAU system?

error 1

*** Beginning System Sizing Calculations * Warning * FinalSystemSizing: AirLoop="SYS_T2_TYPOFF", Requested sizing on Ventilation, * ~~~
but Zone has no design OA Flow. Zone="T2_L19_Z2_OFFICE". * Warning * FinalSystemSizing: AirLoop="SYS_T2_TYPOFF", Requested sizing on Ventilation, * ~~~
but Zone has no design OA Flow. Zone="T2_L19_Z3_OFFICE".

error 2

* Severe * AirLoopHVAC SYS_T2_TYPOFF has no air flow *
~~~ *
Check flow rate inputs for components in this air loop and, * ~~~ * if autosized, check Sizing:Zone and Sizing:System objects and related inputs.

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