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FullInteriorAndExterior VS FullExterior

asked 5 years ago

JepsonYU's avatar

updated 5 years ago

I am a new beginner of EnergyPlus. I saw it in the Document of EngineeringReferece that FullInteriorAndExterior cannot be used in non-convex model. Does anyone know the reason? I thought FullInteriorAndExterior should be more accurate but cannot configure out why it cannot be used in non-convex model.

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answered 5 years ago

I believe it has to do with the calculated radiation heat transfer between surfaces. In non-convex geometry, there will exist (at least) two surfaces which cannot 'see' one another, and thus it is not possible for them to trade/balance radiation heat transfer. In convex geometry, every wall can 'see' every other wall and thus can transfer heat.

An example of non-convex geometry is an L Shape. The right wall of the upper part and the right wall of the lower part cannot 'see' on another to transfer heat. For convex, a box or a pentagon, all of the surfaces can 'see' each of the other surfaces; and no heat balance/transfer problem.

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Thank you for you answer. It's amazing to get an answer so fast. Is that that means the algorithm of radiation calculation in Energy+ takes no consideration of the inner face or outside face. To use the example of L Shape room. Obviously, the right wall A of the upper part should not transfer radiation heat to the right wall B of the lower part which is not in front of inside face of wall A. But in FullInteriorAndExterior, radiation form A to B would be calculated by mistake. I tried to upload a illustration picture in this comment, but it seems to be no image upload function.

JepsonYU's avatar JepsonYU  ( 5 years ago )

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Asked: 5 years ago

Seen: 236 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '19