OpenStudio-Issue changing building space type
I did this sketchup model till the basic OSM converges without error. However, the building space type remains same for all rooms despite running the space building wizard and selecting restroom and other space types.
What is going wrong? Am I missing anything. Render by space shows single color and from info tool I see al as Standard space type!-OpenOffice;
Is your geometry grouped into separate spaces? If so, you can set the space type for each space individually by using the inspector tool. If you set the space type on the building level it will apply to all spaces which do not have a space type applied at the space level.
Yes, Every square or enclosed space is a space for me. Around 30 spaces as shown in the picture. So after applying building type. I selected individual space and change the space type to restroom , breakroom etc. Once saved, closed and reopen. All these spaces changed to 189.1-2009-Office-Openoffice CZ1-3. Inspected all spaces in sketchup using infor tool.
Did the render by space type work before you saved and re-opened the file?
yes did show the space types i selected but the color was same- no difference in visual difference.
Are you rendering by space type or thermal zone?