Best way to modify the geometry input files for openstudio-standards?
Hello All -
I'm attempting to add some flexibility to the create_doe_prototype_building measure. I would like to be able to control the geometry, i.e. shape, sqft, floors, aspect ratio, etc... while still generating a prototype building programmatically. It appeared to me the best way to do this might be to create a new geometry.osm file and using an instance variable, have the prototype building measure instead grab this new model for the geometry. However, I'm having a really hard time making this generic enough to match the new spaces, zones, and space types to their current names - which then creates problems later on in the model generation. This leads to a few questions - Are there any functions/scripts that were used to create the initial geometry files that may help? What is the naming convention across building types and templates? And would changing the number of floors and adding new spaces/zones cause errors if the convention is followed?
Thanks in advance!!!