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In BEopt, is there a quick way to make 'My Design' identical to the B10 Benchmark Reference?

asked 2019-08-16 16:35:50 -0600

pdkoby's avatar

I would like to use the B10 Benchmark Reference as a starting point for creating design alternatives. When I load a new project, I've noticed that a handful of default inputs for the design alternative called 'My Design' do not match the B10 Benchmark Reference. It's tedious and annoying to have to manual compare My Design to the B10 Benchmark and align all the inputs for each new file I create. Unfortunately, the new files I am creating are for many different site locations/weather files so the B10 Benchmark inputs change with each one and I can't simply create one design alternative that matches the B10 Benchmark copy it over and over again. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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answered 2019-08-19 11:09:38 -0600

It's a good question/suggestion. Unfortunately, there is not a way to currently do this. You can create a user-defined reference based off the B10 Benchmark (by selecting B10 Benchmark as the reference and then changing to User-Defined reference), but there's no way to set the rest of the designs to the B10 Benchmark.

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Asked: 2019-08-16 16:35:50 -0600

Seen: 266 times

Last updated: Aug 19 '19