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Title 24 Elevator Schedules or Any Elevator Schedules

asked 5 years ago

Mitchal Dichter's avatar

updated 5 years ago

One of my coworkers has spent quite a bit of time trying to find Title 24 California Nonresidential ACM (Alternative Compliance Manual) Reference Manual Appendix 5.4B which is supposed to have elevator schedules for different building types but keeps hitting dead ends. In particular, he gets dead links, or the documents that are referenced only specify the ventilation and lighting requirements in elevators.

Does anyone know of good elevator schedules for different building types? Anything you can provide would be appreciated.

So it looks like there are elevator schedules available for some of the building types that trace their way back to ASHRAE, but there aren't any schedules for DOE prototypes Large Hotel, Small Hotel, Highrise Apartment, Midrise Apartment. I have no idea where the schedules in the DOE reference models came from for those buildings if they didn't come from ASHRAE.

This whole thing started when we looked at the fraction of energy used for the elevators in the DOE reference models.

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All the literature we've found says that elevator use should be 2%-5% of total energy use for the building, and the only one that gets close is the Large Office model, but that one has a very energy intensive data center in it, so that one is probably off too. The two options for correcting the elevators are the schedules are a little off or the maximum Watts of the elevators is off. We are investigating the schedules first.

In response to @MatthewSteen's answer, if you download 90.1-2016 Large Office from the IDFs link and open ASHRAE90.1_OfficeLarge_STD2016_Albuquerque.idf, the schedule for the elevators is

    BLDG_ELEVATORS,          !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,0.5,        !- Field 3
    For: WinterDesignDay,    !- Field 5
    Until: 24:00,0.05,       !- Field 6
    For: AllOtherDays,       !- Field 8
    Until: 04:00,0.05,       !- Field 9
    Until: 05:00,0.10,       !- Field 11
    Until: 06:00,0.20,       !- Field 13
    Until: 07:00,0.40,       !- Field 15
    Until: 09:00,0.50,       !- Field 17
    Until: 10:00,0.35,       !- Field 19
    Until: 16:00,0.15,       !- Field 21
    Until: 17:00,0.35,       !- Field 23
    Until: 19:00,0.50,       !- Field 25
    Until: 21:00,0.40,       !- Field 27
    Until: 22:00,0.30,       !- Field 29
    Until: 23:00,0.20,       !- Field 31
    Until: 24:00,0.10;       !- Field 33

We actually knew about this, and we thought the schedule was inaccurate since office buildings typically have different behavior on the weekends and the schedule is the same on the weekends as the weekdays.

Looking at the Google Sheet, the schedule is the same, which is not surprising since the DOE reference models are based on the DOE Commercial Prototype Building Models. However, there are more accurate Large Office elevator schedules. On lines 11172,11173,11174 there are schedules for the Large Office that don't change on the weekends, but ... (more)

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Be careful with elevator schedules - elevator power may be entered as either peak motor power or average power, and if you pair motor power with something that resembles an occupancy schedule with fractional values up to 0.9 or 1, you will get ridiculously high energy use from the elevator.

mdahlhausen's avatar mdahlhausen  ( 5 years ago )

@mdahlhausen That appears to be what is happening with the DOE reference models. The lights and fans in the elevator have the same schedule as the elevator motor schedule. My coworker is trying to get in touch with some elevator manufacturers and some creators of elevator energy use calculators. The energy use is just too high, and the max power in the electric use objects seems reasonable for that elevator, so the schedules might need some tweaking.

Mitchal Dichter's avatar Mitchal Dichter  ( 5 years ago )

yep, that's a known issue with early reference models. The new DOE prototypes (in progress) are better.

mdahlhausen's avatar mdahlhausen  ( 5 years ago )

@mdahlhausen In progress, but are the elevator schedules in the new DOE prototypes complete? One of my coworkers would be really happy to get those.

Mitchal Dichter's avatar Mitchal Dichter  ( 5 years ago )

2 Answers

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answered 5 years ago

Mitchal Dichter's avatar

The Title 24 2016 Elevator Schedules are at this link titled 2016 ACM in the downloads.

There are some ASHRAE schedules tables in 90.1-2007 User's Manual starting at Table G-E. (The 1989 ASHRAE tables have a number after the G, so G-39, but in 2007 there are letters after the G.)

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answered 5 years ago

updated 5 years ago

I regularly use the schedules from the 90.1-20xx User's Manuals Tables G-x for elevators (and SHW). I made a library OSM with the schedules that I use to drag in to my models. The Office elevator schedule has non-zero values Mon-Fri (peak) and Sat (lower) with no load on Sun.

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The DOE Prototype Building Models also have elevator schedules that are available in several formats.

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@MatthewSteen Awesome! Could you post a download link for the library OSM please? If not, could you give us the name of the ASHRAE publication we need to purchase? I don't know if you can publicly release those schedules, but we're perfectly happy to pay ASHRAE for them.

Mitchal Dichter's avatar Mitchal Dichter  ( 5 years ago )

@MatthewSteen Thanks! I think we'll still be buying the publication, but we're hoping the schedules are different from what's in the DOE models since the schedules don't seem right on the weekends, and the elevator power use seems to high in general.

Mitchal Dichter's avatar Mitchal Dichter  ( 5 years ago )

They are, see updated answer.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 5 years ago )

@MatthewSteen Okay. I looked further in the Google Sheet and found them. On lines 11172,11173,11174 there are schedules for the Large Office that don't change on the weekends, but then on lines 12137,12138,12139 there are schedules that are different on the weekends for the Large Office.

Mitchal Dichter's avatar Mitchal Dichter  ( 5 years ago )

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Asked: 5 years ago

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Last updated: Jul 25 '19