Chilled water pump configuration

asked 5 years ago

Mr.HA's avatar

updated 5 years ago

First of all, ASHRAE 90.1 models have been used to Calculat the HVAC capacity of large office buildings.(HVAC SIZING SIMULAION) The Chilled pump configuration of the Refrence model is ConstantPrimaryNoSecondary But, i want to know about the HVAC Capacity according to the chilled pump configuration. Ex) Class list _ HVACTemplate:Plant:chilledWaterLoopField _ chilled water Pump configuration Case 1. ConstantPrimaryNoSecondary Case 2. VariablePrimaryNoSecondary Case 3. ConstantPrimaryVariableSecondary (Reference Model)

Form Refrence Model to Case 1. Fatal error message below.

  • Severe * GetSplitterInput: Outlet Splitter Branch="COOLSYS1 DEMAND LOAD BRANCH 1" does not match types of Inlet Branch. * ~~~ * ...Inlet Branch is on "Air" on "Air" side. * ~~~ * ...Outlet Branch is on "Plant" on "Demand" side. * ~~~ * ...All branches in Loop Splitter must be on same kind of loop and supply/demand side. * ~~~ * ...PlantLoop=COOLSYS1 DEMAND SPLITTER * Severe * GetSplitterInput: Outlet Splitter Branch="COOLSYS1 DEMAND LOAD BRANCH 2" does not match types of Inlet Branch. * ~~~ * ...Inlet Branch is on "Air" on "Air" side. * ~~~ * ...Outlet Branch is on "Plant" on "Demand" side. * ~~~ * ...All branches in Loop Splitter must be on same kind of loop and supply/demand side. * ~~~ * ...PlantLoop=COOLSYS1 DEMAND SPLITTER * Severe * GetSplitterInput: Outlet Splitter Branch="COOLSYS1 DEMAND LOAD BRANCH 3" does not match types of Inlet Branch. * ~~~ * ...Inlet Branch is on "Air" on "Air" side. * ~~~ * ...Outlet Branch is on "Plant" on "Demand" side. * ~~~ * ...All branches in Loop Splitter must be on same kind of loop and supply/demand side. * ~~~ * ...PlantLoop=COOLSYS1 DEMAND SPLITTER * Severe * GetSplitterInput: Outlet Splitter Branch="COOLSYS1 DEMAND LOAD BRANCH 4" does not match types of Inlet Branch. * ~~~ * ...Inlet Branch is on "Air" on "Air" side. * ~~~ * ...Outlet Branch is on "Plant" on "Demand" side. * ~~~ * ...All branches in Loop Splitter must be on same kind of loop and supply/demand side. * ~~~ * ...PlantLoop=COOLSYS1 DEMAND SPLITTER * Fatal * GetSplitterInput: Fatal Errors Found in PlantLoop, program terminates....Summary of Errors that led to program termination:..... Reference severe error count=4..... Last severe error=GetSplitterInput: Outlet Splitter Branch="COOLSYS1 DEMAND LOAD BRANCH 4" does not match types of Inlet Branch.
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