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Explanation on RunPeriod in EnergyPlus

asked 2019-04-18 04:40:44 -0600

Tanay's avatar

updated 2019-04-18 07:35:27 -0600

Hello All,

I am using EnergyPlus v9.0.1 with BCVTB (v1.6). While running the BCVTB Example with IDF file SmOffPSZ.idf I noticed that the simulation starts at 01/01/2017 for RUNPERIOD1 and subsequent one are on 01/21/2017, 02/10/2017, 03/02/2017 ...

In my IDF file I have RunPeriod object as, RunPeriod

And SimulationControl as, SimulationControl

I am using a weather file for STOCKHOLM_ARLANDA, WeatherFile

Now I don't understand why the simulation starts in the year 2017 and also why it jumps 21 days? I tried reading the InputOutput Reference from EnergyPlus, but it was not clear why this is happening.

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answered 2019-04-18 07:15:00 -0600

The simulation starts in 2017 just because that year matches what you input in the RunPeriod object (01/01/2017 is a Sunday) and you did not specify a year.

The logs that you are seeing jumping 21 days is like a progress bar, not every day is displayed but it is running in the background. The output is shown for the user to see that the simulation is progressing.

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Asked: 2019-04-18 04:40:44 -0600

Seen: 188 times

Last updated: Apr 18 '19