BCVTB with EnergyPlus
Hello All,
EnergyPlus Version: 9.0.1 BCVTB Version: 1.6.0 (April 20, 2016) Ptolemy 2 Version: 11.0 (devel)
I am new to BVCTB and EnergyPlus and trying to learn the SW by trying different examples.
Following one of the examples, I created a very simple EnergyPlus .idf file where I am trying to just plot the Output Variables on BCVTB Plotter.
Following is the .cfg file I made,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE BCVTB-variables SYSTEM "variables.dtd">
<!-- The elements received from the EnergyPlus -->
<variable source="EnergyPlus">
<EnergyPlus name="ENVIRONMENT" type="Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature"/>
<variable source="EnergyPlus">
<EnergyPlus name="ZSF1" type="Zone Air Temperature"/>
In the IDF file, I have only three OutPut Variables
Output:Variable,*,Zone Air Temperature,Detailed;
Output:Variable,*,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,Timestep;
Output:Variable,*,Zone Air Temperature,Timestep;
As I do not have any input to the EnergyPlus I did not use the ExternalInterface in the IDF.
Now, I checked the .IDF file runs perfectly okay in the EnergyPlus and produces outputs with no Severe Error. Also, when I run the file with BCVTB, it shows no error on EnergyPlus.
But, I am getting a SocketTimeoutException error and does not show any plot. It does not even open any plot window. I tried increasing the 'socketTimeout' to 10000 but still the same error.
So you know why do I have this error and how I can resolve it?
The link below have all the documents for the model (.idf, .xml, .cfg) https://drive.google.com/drive/folder...