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Cooling/Heating Auto-sizing Reporting in EnergyPlus

asked 2015-03-19 14:33:38 -0600

dpud12's avatar

updated 2020-03-10 09:51:29 -0600

Is there a report format in EnergyPlus that outputs the total building cooling capacity and total building heating capacity? Thus far my method of estimating the system sizes for heating and cooling are to sum the coincident peak values as reported in the System Sizing and Flowrate report. However, as pointed out in another post only the sensible cooling load is reported. I would think there should be an easy way to view total capacity information after auto-sizing . . . is there something I am missing?

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answered 2015-07-24 14:47:02 -0600

The eio file contains the autosized results. If you are running EnergyPlus by itself, it should be named eplusout.eio. If you are running it with EP-Launch, it should be named <modelname>.eio. And if you are running from OpenStudio, you'll have to check the run results folders to find the eio in there.

An example of this output file is below, which shows a header followed by the autosized flow rates, loop volume, and capacities.

! <Component Sizing Information>, Component Type, Component Name, Input Field Description, Value
 Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, COOLER_LOOP, Maximum Loop Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.60462E-002
 Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, COOLER_LOOP, Plant Loop Volume [m3], 18.05199
 Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, COOLER_LOOP SUPPLY PUMP, Rated Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.60462E-002
 Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, COOLER_LOOP SUPPLY PUMP, Rated Power Consumption [W], 457.15707
 Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric:EIR, COOLERCHILLER, Design Size Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.60462E-002
 Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric:EIR, COOLERCHILLER, Design Size Reference Capacity [W], 343023.18468

If you are looking for the entire capacity for the building, you'll have to have a script read this file (it's CSV, so many options there), and add all the component sizing entries, then be a little smart about adding them all up so that you don't ever double count anything.

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@Edwin thanks for the insight! I also found that the Equipment Report has all of the same information and is in a more reader friendly format

dpud12's avatar dpud12  ( 2015-08-25 12:27:38 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-03-19 14:33:38 -0600

Seen: 880 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '15