How can I retrieve schedule after set it in an ems program ? [closed]

asked 6 years ago

I want set a schedule to 0 in january and then retrieve the schedule value specified in the schedule compact object for the others months. My problem is once the schedule value is set to 0 I am unable to retrieve the intial value for the other month. It always set to 0 for the others months.


RunPeriod, , ! - Name 1, ! - Begin Month 1, ! - Begin Day of Month 2013, ! - Begin Year 3, ! - End Month 1, ! - End Day of Month 2013, ! - End Year tuesday, ! - Day of Week for Start Day yes, ! - Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days yes, ! - Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period no, ! - Apply Weekend Holiday Rule yes, ! - Use Weather File Rain Indicators yes; ! - Use Weather File Snow Indicators

Output:EnergyManagementSystem, verbose, verbose, verbose;

ScheduleTypeLimits, continuous;

Schedule:Compact, externallight-sch-january, continuous, through: 12/31, for: alldays, until: 24:00, .5;

Exterior:Lights, externallight-january, ! - Name externallight-sch-january, ! - Schedule Name 5250, ! - Design Level {W} schedulenameonly, ! - Control Option Grounds Lights; ! - End-Use Subcategory

Schedule:Compact, externallight-sch-othermonth, continuous, through: 12/31, for: alldays, until: 24:00, 1;

Exterior:Lights, externallight-othermonth, ! - Name externallight-sch-othermonth, ! - Schedule Name 5250, ! - Design Level {W} schedulenameonly, ! - Control Option Grounds Lights; ! - End-Use Subcategory

Output:Variable, *, ! - Key Value Exterior Lights Electric Power,! - Variable Name hourly; ! - Reporting Frequency

Output:Variable, *, ! - Key Value Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature, ! - Variable Name hourly; ! - Reporting Frequency

EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator, externallightschjanuary, externallight-sch-january, schedule:compact, schedule value;

EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator, externallightschothermonth, externallight-sch-othermonth, schedule:compact, schedule value;

EnergyManagementSystem:Program, month_schedule_management_program, if (month == 1), set externallightschothermonth = 0, else, set externallightschjanuary = 0, endif;

EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager, month_schedule_management_pcm, begintimestepbeforepredictor, ! - EnergyPlus Model Calling Point month_schedule_management_program; ! - Program Name 1

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by Lefort-Antoine
close date 2019-02-22 07:16:22.908981