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Where user specified value disagrees with autosizing?

asked 2019-02-11 13:39:56 -0500

mldichter's avatar

updated 2019-02-11 14:09:51 -0500

I have a sizing disagreement in my idf file, but I'm having trouble finding where I inputted the conflicting fields. Any ideas on where I should look? And here is a google drive link to the files.

Here is the relevant part of the ERR file:

   ************* SizeWaterCoil: Potential issue with equipment sizing for Coil:Cooling:Water LGSTORE1 ZN COOLING COIL
   **   ~~~   ** User-Specified Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s] = 0.79234
   **   ~~~   ** differs from Design Size Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s] = 0.87231
   **   ~~~   ** This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.
   **   ~~~   ** Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.

Here is the relevant part of the EIO file:

 Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, LGSTORE1 ZN COOLING COIL, Design Size Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.87231
 Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, LGSTORE1 ZN COOLING COIL, User-Specified Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.79234

But the strange thing is I think those fields are autosized.

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Not sure if these are important, but those conflicting flow rates appear elsewhere in the EIO file.

 Zone Sizing Information, LGSTORE1 ZN, Heating, 16855.60896, 20226.73075, 0.72693, 0.87231, CLIMATE ZONE 12 ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, 12/21 13:00:00, -0.40000, 3.65329E-003, 348.38640, 30.00000, 0.41148, 0.00000

 Component Sizing Information, ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil, LGSTORE1 ZN FAN COIL, Design Size Maximum Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.87231

 Component Sizing Information, Fan:OnOff, LGSTORE1 ZN SUPPLY FAN, Design Size Maximum Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.87231

 Zone Sizing Information, LGSTORE1 ZN, Cooling, 8994.03839, 10792.84607, 0.66028, 0.79234, CLIMATE ZONE 12 ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, 7/21 15:00:00, 37.90000, 9.07726E-003, 348.38640, 30.00000, 0.41148, 0.00000

However, I think those fields are also autosized.

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answered 2019-02-11 13:46:19 -0500

I would guess that the program is incorrectly telling you there is a difference in sizing values even though you have specified all fields as autosize. I suggest sending this input file to the help desk at so that this may be fixed.

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mldichter's avatar mldichter  ( 2019-02-11 13:52:23 -0500 )edit

New issue posted #7276

MJWitte's avatar MJWitte  ( 2019-04-19 09:37:59 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-02-11 13:39:56 -0500

Seen: 160 times

Last updated: Feb 11 '19