Standard Effective Temperature (SET) outputs from Energyplus
Hello Community!
Does anyone know if there is a simple way to request the SET from E+ simulations that happen in the background to calculate Fanger-PMV thermal comfort analysis? It is my understanding that SET is calculated in the background to calculate the PMV calculations but only the hourly dissatisfaction values are reported and not the SET which is necessary for calculations such as the one described in the link below.
SET calculations are iterative, so I assume these values are stored somewhere while the source code needs the thermodynamic calculations but it isn't reported? This gets hairy because tools like CBE comfort tool have promised to make it possible to upload results from E+ simulations but that doesn't appear to be available yet. Even when available, the post-processing is a pain and not to mention that if you have multitude of hourly space temperatures outside OS/E+ world it can't be hooked to tools like the "View Data" measure which is awesome for visualization of results...I even looked up simple calculators outside the CBE tool, including the old ASHRAE thermal comfort tool to post process the temperature, RH, etc. data but it appears to me that the SET values should be available from an E+ simulation.
Have I understood the process correctly? Missed anything? Thoughts?