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Optimal code to set window constructions by Orientation

asked 2018-12-03 18:29:08 -0500

antonszilasi's avatar

updated 2018-12-04 11:41:45 -0500

I need to set window constructions by orientation, at the moment I am using some code which I ripped from the ReplaceExteriorWindowConstruction measure and modified a bit. The code is as follows:

pi = 3.1415926
orientations = ["South","East","West","North"]

orientations.each do |orientation|

  case orientation
  when "South"
    max_azimuth = pi*5/4
    min_azimuth = pi*3/4
    max_1_azimuth = pi*5/4
    min_1_azimuth = pi*3/4
    max_2_azimuth = pi*5/4
    min_2_azimuth = pi*3/4

    winConstruction = WindowTypeSouth

  when "East"
    max_azimuth = pi*3/4
    min_azimuth = pi/4
    max_1_azimuth = pi*3/4
    min_1_azimuth = pi/4 #(0.78539815)
    max_2_azimuth = pi*3/4
    min_2_azimuth = pi/4

    winConstruction = WindowTypeEast

  when "West"
    max_azimuth = pi*7/4
    min_azimuth = pi*5/4
    max_1_azimuth = pi*7/4
    min_1_azimuth = pi*5/4
    max_2_azimuth = pi*7/4
    min_2_azimuth = pi*5/4

    winConstruction = WindowTypeWest

    # "North"
    max_azimuth = pi/4
    min_azimuth = 0
    max_1_azimuth = pi*2
    min_1_azimuth = pi*7/4
    max_2_azimuth = pi*2
    min_2_azimuth = pi*7/4

    winConstruction = WindowTypeNorth


  sub_surfaces.each do |sub_surface|
    next if not (sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == "Outdoors" and sub_surface.subSurfaceType == "FixedWindow")

    if (sub_surface.azimuth < max_azimuth and sub_surface.azimuth >= min_azimuth) or (sub_surface.azimuth < max_1_azimuth and sub_surface.azimuth >= min_1_azimuth) or (sub_surface.azimuth < max_2_azimuth and sub_surface.azimuth >= min_2_azimuth)


    end # Large if statement
  end # sub_surfaces.each

As far as I can tell it works fine but what happens if we change the orientation of the building? That is why I was thinking of modifiying the getExteriorWindowAndWllAreaByOrientation function in os_lib_geometry.rb to produce

spaceArray.each do |space|

  space.surfaces.each do |s|
    next if s.surfaceType != 'Wall'
    next if s.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors'

    # loop through sub surfaces and add area including multiplier

    absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(s.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + + model.getBuilding.northAxis
    absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0

    # add to exterior wall counter if north or south
    if (options['northEast'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['southEast']) # East exterior walls

        winConstruction = WindowTypeEast

    elsif (options['southEast'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['southWest']) # South exterior walls

        winConstruction = WindowTypeSouth

    elsif (options['southWest'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['northWest']) # West exterior walls

        winConstruction = WindowTypeWest

    else # North exterior walls
        winConstruction = WindowTypeNorth

    s.subSurfaces.each do |subSurface|




I think that the latter is the better option as I believe that it takes into account building orientation.

What does everyone recommend? Or is there some better code out there which Im missing? Suggestions are most appreciated!

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-12-04 13:23:16 -0500

updated 2018-12-04 14:03:10 -0500

@antonszilasi that looks good, but if you are not filtering by spaces at all, then you can just loop through sub_surfaces directly, and then just set the constructions within the elsif statements.

model.getSubSurfaces.each do |sub_surface|
  # only alter exterior windows.
  next if sub_surface.subSurfaceType != 'FixedWindow'
  next if sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors'

  # store absoluteAzimuth
  absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(sub_surface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + + model.getBuilding.northAxis
  absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0

  # check orientation and assign construction
  if (options['northEast'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['southEast']) # East exterior walls
  elsif (options['southEast'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['southWest']) # South exterior walls
  elsif (options['southWest'] <= absoluteAzimuth) && (absoluteAzimuth < options['northWest']) # West exterior walls
  else # North exterior walls
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Asked: 2018-12-03 18:29:08 -0500

Seen: 177 times

Last updated: Dec 04 '18