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PMV result unreasonable

asked 2018-11-07 05:44:50 -0500

Aleck's avatar

updated 2018-11-12 09:16:47 -0500

Dear openstudio users, I made a PMV calculation but i found the result is strange. Is the Openstudio simulation use the following parameters calculated by itself: relative humidity? The three following parameters are only input : met, clo, air velocity, right? I trust the temperatures simulated are used as input for PMV, but ususally the humidity is a not well simulated by the energy simulation software. So here below are some datas, time Tair Trad RH PMV Vair Clo Act 168 11.2894 15.6 99.7439 -1.47067 0.2 1 132 169 11.2417 15.6 99.3457 -1.47584 0.2 1 132 170 11.2072 15.6 99.0613 -1.47957 0.2 1 132 171 11.1248 15.6 99.0613 -1.48591 0.2 1 132 172 11.0491 15.6 99.0613 -1.49172 0.2 1 132 173 11.0257 15.6 99.0613 -1.49352 0.2 1 132 174 10.9931 15.6 99.0613 -1.49603 0.2 1 132 175 10.9545 15.6 99.0613 -1.49899 0.2 1 132 176 10.9485 15.6 99.0613 -1.49945 0.2 1 132 177 10.985 15.6 99.0613 -1.49665 0.2 1 132 178 11.0486 15.6 99.0613 -1.49177 0.2 1 132 179 11.1266 15.6 99.0613 -1.48577 0.2 1 132 180 11.2503 15.6 99.0613 -1.47626 0.2 1 132 181 11.5025 15.6 99.0613 -1.45682 0.2 1 132 182 11.8855 15.6 99.0613 -1.42721 0.2 1 132 183 12.4652 15.6 99.0613 -1.38217 0.2 1 132 184 13.1542 15.6 99.0613 -1.32833 0.2 1 132 185 13.1491 15.6 99.0613 -1.32874 0.2 1 132 186 12.9445 15.6 99.0613 -1.34476 0.2 1 132 187 12.8087 15.6 99.0613 -1.35539 0.2 1 132 188 12.7053 15.6 99.0613 -1.36346 0.2 1 132 189 12.5565 15.6 99.0613 -1.37507 0.2 1 132 190 12.3946 15.6 99.0613 -1.38768 0.2 1 132 191 12.2673 15.6 99.0613 -1.39758 0.2 1 132 192 12.1331 15.6 99.0613 -1.40801 0.2 1 132 193 12.0128 15.6 98.9418 -1.4178 0.2 1 132 194 11.8497 15.6 98.8565 -1.43076 0.2 1 132 195 11.6789 15.6 98.8565 -1.44398 0.2 1 132 196 11.5438 15.6 98.8565 -1.45441 0.2 1 132 197 11.4461 15.6 98.8565 -1.46195 0.2 1 132 198 11.3436 15.6 98.8565 -1.46984 0.2 1 132 199 12.7056 21.0565 70.2067 -0.815927 0.2 1 132 200 13.6732 21 70 ... (more)

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@Aleck welcome to Unmet Hours! Your post has a table of data that's a lot of text and hard to read. Could you use an image of the data instead, or provide a link to your output file containing this data?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2018-11-07 10:56:23 -0500 )edit

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answered 2018-11-12 02:59:53 -0500

Aleck's avatar

image description Thank you Aaron Boranian. After several days, i have enough Karma now, so here upload my result image of print screen.

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Asked: 2018-11-07 05:44:50 -0500

Seen: 224 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '18