Hydronic Unit Heaters in Plant Loops
What's the best way to model these in Open Studio?
I have a plant loop with a boiler, that part I have figured out. There are a number of hydronic unit heaters (water, not steam) similar to the following link, that I am trying to enter into the model: https://www.trane.com/content/dam/Tra...
So far, I have found "Unit Vent Heat Coil" which seems to fit, although there are no inputs for fan speed/volume. Also, I can't figure out what "U-factor Times Area Volume" means within his context.
In addition, how do I account for pumping energy? The unit heaters are fed through "close coupled tees" where the pumps are running all the time off of the main loop, but the unit heater fans are controlled through thermostats.
Furthermore, how can I account for piping heat losses in uninsulated pipes?
I have several of these unit heaters within a plant loop of an existing 50+ year old commercial building I am modelling.