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Question about schedules [closed]

asked 2018-10-31 07:29:48 -0600

UilissonGFM's avatar

updated 2018-10-31 08:12:33 -0600

Hello, i want to do a simulation (OpenStudio 2.6.0) and observe only the effects: number of people, people activity, lightning, electrical equipment and infiltration. Is it possible to use only these settings? Can I assign proper values ​​to my schedules or should I not change them? Why is the hours schedules of operation always empty? How do I set this schedule (hours of operation) correctly?

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by UilissonGFM
close date 2018-10-31 11:54:06.044319

1 Answer

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answered 2018-10-31 11:30:21 -0600

The hours of operation in the schedule set isn't used anywhere in the model, so you don't need to set it. It is there so it can be used through the API in OpenStudio measures.

Feel free to change schedule values to match the operating hours and load levels for your building. You can copy these schedules and reassign them to new schedule sets, or make entirely new ruleset schedules. You can copy, edit, and make schedule rulesets in the schedules tab from your image above.

These schedules are fractional (except for activity level, which is fixed), and apply to the load value you have set in your spaces or space types load definitions.

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could you pleasue explain more about “The hours of operation in the schedule set isn't used anywhere in the model, so you don't need to set it. It is there so it can be used through the API in OpenStudio measures.”

Do you have a case study to use this field?

Yi's avatar Yi  ( 2019-09-10 19:17:48 -0600 )edit

I'm not aware of any measures that use the hours of operation schedule in the default schedule set object.

mdahlhausen's avatar mdahlhausen  ( 2019-09-10 19:31:28 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-10-31 07:29:48 -0600

Seen: 450 times

Last updated: Oct 31 '18