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who has an example osm file consisting a low temperature radiant heating system in openstudio?

asked 10 years ago

I have setup different thermal zones in a residential building, now in order to be able to see what different temperature schedules in different zones have as an effect on the heating demand, I think I have to set up a heating system. The closest system to European based systems is a low temperature radiant system with a hotwater boiler, at least as far as I know. Does anyone have a working osm file that he/she is willing to share, so I can work and learn from that, because the system I'm trying is full of errors. The model of the building is fine, all zones and spaces are setup well and surfaces are matched.

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answered 10 years ago

I don't have a model to share but this should get you started.

Add ConstructionInternalSource object. The Construction will have to be built layer by layer from Materials.

image description

Assign ConstructionInternalSource to appropriate surface within a Construction Set.

image description

Add ZoneHVACLowTemperatureRadiant system to zone. Select the Radiant Surface Type and connect coils to plant loops. If it's a heating only system, create an "Always Off" schedule and assign it to the cooling coil.

image description

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Thank you for your answer. Can you help me with specifying this a bit further? The Layering of the Internal Source. Which layer would represent the heating layer, is that the most internal layer or the most external ? As in principal I would like it to radiate into the appropriate zone and not in the other adjacent zone.

Wim's avatar Wim  ( 10 years ago )

@MatthewSteen, thanks for your information. I used your method to set up radiant heating and cooling system with regular VAV. However, when I run the simulation, there is an error "Overlapping heating and cooling control temps in radiant system". I tried to adjust the cooling and heating T of radiant heating/cooling system, but didn't work. Have you ever experienced this method? Or is there anything else I need to take care of when I build the radiant heating/cooling system with VAV? Thanks.

Yan's avatar Yan  ( 9 years ago )

@Yan, this is a separate question, please feel free to post one.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 9 years ago )

How do you create an "Always Off" schedule and where do you assign this? Do you assign this schedule under the "Cooling Control Temperature Schedule Name" in order to model a heating only system?


ethankheil's avatar ethankheil  ( 9 years ago )

@ethankheil see my response to @Yan above.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 9 years ago )

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Asked: 10 years ago

Seen: 2,625 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '15