Rectangular clerestory on top of space
I am running a simulation for a single-story building using Sketchup 2016 and Openstudio v1.12, I am facing the following Problem:
The geometry has two (2) small rectangular clerestories (similar to a dome),when modelling the geometry using Sketchup 2016 and openstudio plugin, at the beginning the dome looks okay being opened to below, however, when I close the file and reopen it again, I find that a new subsurface is created as a skylight and the dome is no longer open to below. What would be the best way to create the dome being open to below?
I hope the image would provide more illustration.
Thank you in advance !!
I am unable to visualize what you are trying to do. Maybe post a sketch somewhere else (e.g. Dropbox) and add a link to it here?
I have added the link, thank you for the advice.