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EnergyPlus Version Conversion (8.5->8.6) fails at Ubuntu 18.04

asked 2018-10-17 13:36:20 -0500

Jason Koh's avatar

updated 2018-10-17 14:31:59 -0500


I am trying to convert EnergyPlus IDF version conversion in Ubuntu 18.04. I heard from a person that this is the right place to ask questions related to E+ version conversion.

Here's the command I used:

~/tools/EnergyPlus-9-1-0/PreProcess/IDFVersionUpdater/Transition-V8-5-0-to-V8-6-0 ~/tools/EnergyPlus-8-5-0/ExampleFiles/

The versions are obvious in the command. However, I receive this message:

* Severe * IP: IDF line~1207 Did not find "Output:Variable" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1209 Did not find "Output:Variable" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1211 Did not find "Output:Variable" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1216 Did not find "EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1221 Did not find "EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1226 Did not find "EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1234 Did not find "EnergyManagementSystem:GlobalVariable" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1237 Did not find "EnergyManagementSystem:Program" in list of Objects
* Severe * IP: IDF line~1241 Did not find "Output:Variable" in list of Objects
* Severe * Possible incorrect IDD File
* ~~~ * Possible Invalid Numerics or other problems
At line 1233 of file /home/el/EnergyPlus/src/Transition/CreateNewIDFUsingRulesV8_6_0.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'idfrecords' below lower bound of 1

I'd appreciate if I can learn any hints related to this.


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answered 2018-10-17 16:41:42 -0500

There is a known issue with the older transition exe's in the EnergyPlus v9-1-0 release. If you have an older version of EnergyPlus installed, use the binaries from there for any transition other than Transition-V8-9-0-to-V9-0-0.

However, from the error messages shown above, it appears that the transition program did not find the IDD files which reside in EnergyPlus-9-1-0/PreProcess/IDFVersionUpdater. Try moving to EnergyPlus-9-1-0/PreProcess/IDFVersionUpdater as the current working directory and execute transition from there. Or better yet to EnergyPlus-8-9-0... if you have that installed.

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Thanks! I found that the Vx-x-x.idd files should be inside the current project folder. It solved the problem. Thanks!

Jason Koh's avatar Jason Koh  ( 2018-10-17 22:52:06 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-10-17 13:36:20 -0500

Seen: 213 times

Last updated: Oct 17 '18