Do present weather observations (e.g. rain, fog, snow fall) in weather file have any impact on simulated performance of PV solar panels and solar collectors ?
As is often the case, solar radiation for a site is estimated in weather files by the Zhang-Huang and Perez models (in the EP weather converter). However, if in addition there are present weather observations in the weather file, this would probably require EnergyPlus to calculate kind of superposition of effects, modifying the Zhang-Huang-Perez solar radiation estimates according to temporary rain, fog, snow fall etc. (?) It seems, however, that present weather observations (obscurations) do not have an influence on simulation results re. performance of solar panels/collectors, and that present weather observations in weather files will not add information which improves simulation results. Is this correct ? If not, how does EnergyPlus utilize these additional weather observations and calculate effects ?