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changing window surface area/sqrft in Energy plus chicago office building IDF

asked 2018-09-02 17:10:27 -0600

TManStan's avatar

I want to know the potential ways to change the window to wall ration in the IDF for the small office building in Chicago? From some digging I did online, it seems like there might be a way to do this via changing some of the coordinates in the "FenestrationSurface: Detailed" Class. However, I'm not sure how to adequately go about this or if there is another, more simple, way to change the W2W ratio without using open studio.

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2 Answers

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answered 2018-09-04 00:47:58 -0600

updated 2018-09-04 08:38:49 -0600

FenestrationSurface:Detailed does have a multiplier field that could be used to increase or decrease the effective window area, but as mentioned in the EnergyPlus documentation for FenestrationSurface:Detailed this should be done with caution, depending on the scenario itmay produce odd results, warnings, or simulation errors, this isn't a very large model, so changing the geometry by hand instead should also be very easy, unless this is a test for something larger.

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answered 2018-09-04 02:22:10 -0600

updated 2018-09-04 02:24:23 -0600

Direct IDF

You could use Eppy for example to manipulate the IDF file. You could loop on each Fenestration object, and do your own routine to scale the window with a given factor: what I've successfully done in the past it to resize windows around their centroid (you'll need to calculate that), see the implementation in openstudio-standards for an idea of the code.

That being said, if I recall correctly, this prototype building only has perfectly rectangle windows, so scaling them should be a ton easier than that, you could just raise / lower the sill height.


What I would probably do instead would actually be to generate this DOE prototype building using OpenStudio and the BCL Measure Create DOE Prototype Building, then you could just apply for example this other BCL measure resize_existing_windows_to_match_a_given_wwr that does the resizing of the windows around their centroid for you.

Note: In both cases, mind that if your goal is to reduce the WWR, then you will be fine raising the sill height or resizing around the centroid. If your goal is to greatly increase the WWR, you're at risk of creating a window that is larger than its base surface, in which case you could perhaps instead use Set Window to Wall Ratio by Facade

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Just to add, Geomeppy extends Eppy for working with geometry, and has functions for setting WWR

Jamie Bull's avatar Jamie Bull  ( 2018-09-05 04:19:02 -0600 )edit

I am trying to do something similar but I can not find the resize_existing_windows_to_match_a_given_wwr BCL, the Set WWR by facade works but I would like to exclude some surfaces (plenums). any tips please? Thanks!

Moe B's avatar Moe B  ( 2023-08-14 10:58:05 -0600 )edit

@Moe B, this got lost with the switch from BCL v1 to BCL v2, I haven't bothered to upload it there. You can find the measure here in my repo, hasn't been touched in 7 years so use it as is.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2023-08-16 08:19:08 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-09-02 17:10:27 -0600

Seen: 391 times

Last updated: Sep 04 '18