Ideal Loads Options measure not running on OS Server 2.5 with my OSM
When I run the AddIdealLoadsToAllZones measure in conjunction with IdealLoadsOptions, and put to true to use ventilation objects in the model, OS Server/PAT keeps failing and I can't figure out why. It seems to be an error in EnergyPlus run. Here is a link to the OSM file I'm using... Here is a link to the zip file for the user_data_point:
Attached are images of measure inputs and the OS server output log.
I edited your zip file link because it was pointing to a dropbox directory with lots of personal folders in it. The link is still available in the history though, so you should probably do something about it.
Got it, thanks for the heads up.
@bwelle, when EnergyPlus returns a non-zero exit code that meant it failed. Can you look for the fatal error in the eplusout.err file. I have not dug around in the IdealLoadsOptions measure but I think it is setup to work with the ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem" vs. the template Ideal air loads used by AddIdealLoadsToAllZones.
Attached is the error file. Something to do with load sizing objects. I'll look for the other measure now.Link to IDF:
Hey David, I don't see the ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem measure you are referring to on BCL.