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Anyone familiar with electrochromic glazing in IES VE?

asked 6 years ago

Angeliq's avatar

updated 6 years ago

For my dissertation, among other things, I want to evaluate the influence of electrochromic glazing on the Heating/Cooling Loads a building requires yearly.

I tried using the layer as it was given by the system, but the inial and final results are exactly the same. I guess I should have changed something but I don't understand what exactly. (I checked both appro.pdf and ConstructionDatabase.pdf from the IES Community files but didn't help me much)

Maybe it is stupid question, anyway thanks in advance!

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answered 6 years ago

crduggin's avatar

I suspect the issue is with what you have set as the electrochromic layer control function. It's a function that must be input on the electrochromic tab of the window construction. It describes whether it is in the clear state, dark state, or somewhere in between.

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Yes, I guessed as much but the thing is I am not sure on to alter/create the function to suit my needs!

Angeliq's avatar Angeliq  ( 6 years ago )

Email me at and I will send the guide I have created.

crduggin's avatar crduggin  ( 6 years ago )

answered 6 years ago

You need to change the properties of the glass so that they reflect the reduced SHGC in the dark state, and the higher SHGC in the clear state. To do this, you will need to alter the transmittance, outside reflectance, and inside reflectance values. You can check what your resulting SHGC is in the clear and dark states by looking under "derived parameters" and toggling between "clear" and "dark"image description.

To get the correct values, ask for data from an electrochromic glass manufacturer, or use something like the LBNL Window or Optics softwares. You need to be sure to get the correct values here so that you are not creating unreasonable results for longwave and shortwave radiation coefficients.

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Thanks a lot! I will research it a bit more and get back to the question with my findings!

Angeliq's avatar Angeliq  ( 6 years ago )

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Asked: 6 years ago

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Last updated: Aug 05 '18