An error in measure writing: "bad index"?
Dear the members of unmet-hours,
Currently, I'm writing measure to output the surface inside conduction in HAMT simulation by outputting variables surface heat balances in a table. (Related to this question)
I already modified "Add Output Variables" and succeeded. After that, currently I am trying to output those variables in one table by modifying "Export Variable To CSV".
When applying the code, the error message "bad index" comes up again and again in the line "value = values[kk][i]" to substitute an element of array to a variable... But in the error check sentence I added, index worked. I would like to know what the cause of this is.
Please check the code below (I am modifying "Export Varible To CSV"'s L.91 and later mainly).
variable_names = sqlFile.availableVariableNames(ann_env_pd, reporting_frequency)
heles = ["Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area","Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area","Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area","Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate","Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area","Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area"]
csv_array = []
for e in 0..5
if !variable_names.include? "#{hele}"
runner.registerError("#{hele} is not in sqlFile. Please add an AddOutputVariable reporting measure with this variable and run again.")
#headers = ["#{reporting_frequency}"]
headers = []
output_timeseries = {}
key_values = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(ann_env_pd, reporting_frequency, hele.to_s)
if key_values.size == 0
runner.registerError("Timeseries for #{hele} did not have any key values. No timeseries available.")
key_values.each do |key_value|
timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, reporting_frequency, hele.to_s, key_value.to_s)
if !timeseries.empty?
timeseries = timeseries.get
units = timeseries.units
headers << "#{key_value.to_s}:#{hele.to_s}[#{units}]"
output_timeseries[headers[-1]] = timeseries
runner.registerWarning("Timeseries for #{key_value} #{hele} is empty.")
earray = []
earray << headers
date_times = ["Time"] + output_timeseries[output_timeseries.keys[0]].dateTimes
values = {}
for key in output_timeseries.keys
values[kk] = output_timeseries[key].values
num_times = date_times.size - 1
if e==0
csv_array << date_times
for i in 0..num_times
row = []
for key in headers
runner.registerInfo("#{key}: #{values[kk][i]} & Next: #{values[kk][i+1]}") if i==0
value = values[kk][i] #L.137error happens here as "bad index"
row << value
earray << row
csv_array << earray
csv_array=csv_array.transpose"./report_condHFinHAMT_#{reporting_frequency.delete(' ')}.csv", 'wb') do |file|
csv_array.each do |elem|
file.puts elem.join(',')
runner.registerInfo("Output file written to #{File.expand_path('.')}")
# close the sql file
*Actually, usually I use the fortran for main. I have a poor knowledge about Ruby coding...
Add (July 17th 2018)
Whole messages shown in OS are below:
Line 137 is "value = values[kk][i]" as commented in the code above.
post the full error message. you are likely trying to access an index of the array that does not exist.
Thank you for your comment. I added the screenshot. Can you read it?
I also consider that cause. But in one sentence before L.137, I used the same index and array in runner.registerInfo and it worked. This makes me confuse what the cause of this is.
Well, you only print the message if i ==0, so the first iteration. You are probably trying to access an index of the array that is greater than the size of the array. Remember that arrays start at 0 in ruby.
Thank you very much for your comment! Finally, I could have completed this measure!