OpenStudio crashing with IDF import (Versions 2.1, 2.5)
When trying to import the IDF example file 1ZoneDataCenterCRAC_wPumpedDXCoolingCoil.idf
OS version 2.1 crashes altogether without any notice (EP 8.7 idf file version), and Sketchup-plugin fails to import the idf;
OS 2.5. and Sketchup plugin produce the following error message with the EP 8.7. idf file version:
File at [....]1ZoneDataCenterCRAC_wPumpedDXCoolingCoil.idf is not valid to draft strictness
The collection is INVALID at strictness level 'Draft', because of the errors:
Field level data error of type DataType .
Error is in an object of type 'ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled', named 'Data Center Servers', in field 2.
Additional information about the error type: field-level data is of an incorrect type.
Field level data error of type DataType .
Error is in an object of type 'ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList', named 'Main Zone Equipment', in field 1.
Additional information about the error type: field-level data is of an incorrect type.
When trying to import the EP 8.9 idf version, OpenStudio 2.5 opens an message window with "unhandled exception".
Will software developers confirm and post an issue ?
I can confirm similar behavior in that the IDF file doesn't import, but I'm not seeing the crash. I' have crated an issue for this. Not sure of cause.