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genBSDF in Windows 10

asked 2018-06-13 06:18:47 -0500

john.everist's avatar

updated 2018-07-06 09:04:52 -0500

Hello community

I'm trying to use genBSDF in MS Windows 10 but I always get the same error. I've tried different computers, legacy versions of Radiance, the .exe version from Jaloxa, and the Strawberry Perl and ActivestatePerl compiler. Is this a general windows 10 issue or is it specific to me?

(I'm just using the basic blind exercise from the genBSDF tutorial. I've also tried other examples though).

The error message is below:


C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\gen> +f +b -c 500 -geom inch blinds.rad 1>test_results.xml Use of uninitialized value $tmploc in scalar chomp at C:\radiance\bin\ line 33. Use of uninitialized value $tmploc in concatenation (.) or string at C:\radiance\bin\ line 34. Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:\radiance\bin\ line 171. Could not load Radiance input


I also notice and does not work with windows 10. Is there a general issue with Perl scripts in Windows?

Thanks for any input

Update 19/06/2018

Thanks for replying sarith and rpg777, I tried what you've said and I've found that if I DO NOT assign the system path and raypath, the perl files run ok with the exception of genBSDF. (if I assign the system and ray path, only objview works).

With the paths assigned genBSDF immediately crashes. Without the paths assigns genBSDF runs a while then returns an error message.

See images below with / without the below statements:

"SET RAYPATH= .;c:\Radiance\lib" and "PATH= c:\Radiance\bin; $PATH"

I also include the text from the batch file I'm using.

Could another person try this on their windows 10 (change the file paths of course!). Has anyone else any ideas what is going wrong?

image description image description

this is the batch file I'm using...

:start of batch-----------------------------------------

SET RAYPATH= .;c:\Radiance\lib PATH= c:\Radiance\bin; $PATH

c: cd C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\perl_test

"C:\Program Files\Strawberryperl\Strawberry Perl 5.26\perl\bin\perl" "C:\Radiance\bin\" -i test_image.hdr -l cd/m2 -lw 100 -lh 200 > test_image_fc.hdr"

::---------------- gensky 12 11 10 > "C:\Radiance\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:\Radiance\bin\" < > ::----------------

::---------------- @echo void plastic white 0 0 5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 > blinds_material.rad genblinds white blinds 1 2 4 4 20 | xform -rz 90 -rx -90 > blinds.rad ::----------------

::---------------- "C:\Radiance\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:\Radiance\bin\" blinds_material.rad blinds.rad ::----------------

::getbbox blinds.rad

::---------------- "C:\Radiance\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:\Radiance\bin\" +f +b -c 1 -geom meter C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\perl_test\blinds_material.rad C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\perl_test\blinds.rad > C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\perl_test\blinds.xml ::----------------

pause :::end of batch-----------------------------------------------------------

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4 Answers

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answered 2018-06-18 09:03:59 -0500

Are you sure that your perl installation is correctly setup? Both falsecolor and genskyvec are working for me on Windows 10.

image description

image description

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thanks sarith - ive tried your advice - see above

john.everist's avatar john.everist  ( 2018-06-19 06:15:58 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-06-19 09:09:39 -0500

updated 2018-06-19 09:44:07 -0500

You are using UNIX syntax on a Windows machine. $PATH won't do anything on Windows. You have to use %PATH%.

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answered 2018-06-18 11:37:14 -0500

updated 2018-06-21 14:34:30 -0500

Try calling Perl ahead of your genBSDF call like Sarith is doing, or fix your Perl installation so that's not necessary.

UPDATE 2018.06.19 As Nathaniel says, use the proper variable syntax for appending the existing PATH to your new PATH. But I would recommend you place these statements (setting PATH and RAYPATH) in your system setup, not in the batch file. UPDATE 2018.06.21 NREL has issued a new set of installers, please try the Radiance 5.2.1 installer, available here.

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thanks rpg777 - ive tried your advice - see above

john.everist's avatar john.everist  ( 2018-06-19 06:15:46 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-06-25 03:31:53 -0500

john.everist's avatar

Thankyou sarith and rpg777

in the end the answer was many small issues...

  1. When adding radiance to the system path you should use the symbol "%" not "$" as used in the honeybee batch files

  2. when adding radiance to the system path, it much be appended to the end: PATH= %PATH%; C:\Program Files\OpenStudio\openstudio 2.4.0\Radiance\bin

(even putting at the front - "PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenStudio\openstudio 2.4.0\Radiance\; %PATH%" will not work)

(3. I also managed to confuse myself by leaving a space after the rad path which makes problems! It became visible in VS Code - that's why we don't code in notepad :-) )

  1. The current realise of genBSDF (rad 5.2.0) does not work (on my work and home computer) for windows 10. The radiance packaged with openstudio (os 2.4, rad 5.0.a.12) does work.

I hope that's useful to other windows users getting this problem. Thanks again guys!

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OK, then we are not done yet. If the latest release does not work, we need to fix it. Can you please first test with the latest release (5.2.1), and report back here with your results? And if it does not work, please let us know what is happening.

rpg777's avatar rpg777  ( 2018-06-25 10:40:48 -0500 )edit

Hello rpg777

I've tested rad 5.2.1 and I get the same error as previously mentioned. The same code works ok in rad 5.0.a.12. For clarity my code is:

"C:\Program Files\OpenStudio\openstudio 2.4.0\Perl\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:\Radiance 5.2.1\bin\" +b -c 10 -geom meter C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\LCA_mesh\mesh.rad > C:\Users\EVER7798\Documents\LCA_mesh\mesh_klems.xml

and the rad 5.2.1 error message is:

wrapBSDF: Klems data error from 'C:\Users\EVER7798\AppData\Local\Temp\genBSDF.cr_ZeJ\tb.dat' Could not wrap BSDF data

john.everist's avatar john.everist  ( 2018-06-28 03:03:30 -0500 )edit

You're calling Perl from an older OpenStudio install, but that shouldn't matter. Can you share your input file somewhere so I can test it here?

rpg777's avatar rpg777  ( 2018-06-28 18:57:04 -0500 )edit

Here’s a link with the rad file and batch file commands

john.everist's avatar john.everist  ( 2018-07-03 02:25:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-06-13 06:18:47 -0500

Seen: 809 times

Last updated: Jun 25 '18