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DCV doesn't work [OA introduction doesn't decrease according to people occupant]

asked 2018-05-30 23:30:38 -0600

katsuya.obara's avatar

updated 2018-05-31 02:41:43 -0600

I am trying to implement Demand Control Ventilation for the building with FCU and PAU.
I referred to ExampleFile/HeatPumpSimpleDCV.idf file provided by EnergyPlus.
However, when I look at result, I cannot see OA reduction according to people occupants as shown below image.
Does anyone know what cause this problem?
I also attached the setting for Controller:OutdoorAir and Controller:MechanicalVentilation

    Controller Outdoor Air 1,!- Name
    Node 158,                !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
    Node 152,                !- Return Air Node Name
    Node 165,                !- Mixed Air Node Name
    Node 157,                !- Actuator Node Name
    0,                       !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Autosize,                !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    NoEconomizer,            !- Economizer Control Type
    ModulateFlow,            !- Economizer Control Action Type
    18,                      !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    64000,                   !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
    ,                        !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
    ,                        !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
    -100,                    !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    NoLockout,               !- Lockout Type
    FixedMinimum,            !- Minimum Limit Type
    ,                        !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    Always On Discrete,      !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    Always On Discrete,      !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    Controller Mechanical Ventilation 1,  !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
    ,                        !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
    No,                      !- High Humidity Control
    ,                        !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
    ,                        !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
    Yes,                     !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
    BypassWhenOAFlowGreaterThanMinimum;  !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type

    Controller Mechanical Ventilation 1,  !- Name
    Always On Discrete,      !- Availability Schedule Name
    Yes,                     !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
    ZoneSum,                 !- System Outdoor Air Method
    ,                        !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
    1F_Dormitory1,           !- Zone 1 Name
    Dormitory Ventilation,   !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 1
    1F_Dormitory1 Design Spec Zone Air Dist,  !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 1
    1F_LiftLobby1,           !- Zone 2 Name
    Lift Lobby Ventilation,  !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 2
    1F_LiftLobby1 Design Spec Zone Air Dist,  !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 2
    1F_MainLobby1,           !- Zone 3 Name
    Main Lobby Ventilation,  !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 3
    1F_MainLobby1 Design Spec Zone Air Dist,  !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 3
    1F_PlayingArea1,         !- Zone 4 Name
    PlayingArea Ventilation, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 4
    1F_PlayingArea1 Design Spec Zone Air Dist,  !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 4
    1F_PlayingArea2,         !- Zone 5 Name
    PlayingArea Ventilation, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 5
    1F_PlayingArea2 Design Spec Zone Air Dist;  !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 5

    Dormitory Ventilation,   !- Name
    Sum,                     !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.00494,                 !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
    0.00039,                 !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0,                       !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    0;                       !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}

image description

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For the "Dormitory Ventilation" Design Specification OA object is the "Outdoor Air Flow per Person" field a non zero value, and is the "Outdoor Air Method" set to sum or flow/person?

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2018-05-31 01:35:39 -0600 )edit

@David Goldwasser I added DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir for Dormitory Ventilation. I confirmed Outdoor Air Flow per Person and Outdoor Air Method and seems no problem.

katsuya.obara's avatar katsuya.obara  ( 2018-05-31 02:44:30 -0600 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2018-05-31 04:39:51 -0600

updated 2018-05-31 04:49:00 -0600

The problem is that you set Always On Discrete fir the "Minimum/Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedules" in your Controller:OutdoorAir. This is forcing your system to run with an outdoor air flow fraction of 1 when the system is enabled. Try resetting them (leave them blank)

Also, you should plot the Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate rather than the outdoor fraction.

See the I/O reference Guide here:

Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name

The name of a schedule with decimal values which are limited between 0.0 and 1.0. The current schedule value is multiplied by the current system mixed air flow rate to set the minimum outdoor air flow rate. If this schedule name is blank, then it is not applied.

If this schedule is 1.0 (and there is no Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name), then the system works at 100% outdoor air regardless of any other condition as long as the Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate is ≥ the system supply air flow rate.

Note: You might also want to pay close attention to the System Outdoor Air Method in Controller:MechanicalVentilation

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answered 2018-05-31 04:56:48 -0600

katsuya.obara's avatar

I found that I was specifying Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name to always On Discrete which specify 1 to all the time. This was overriding the Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate which shoul come from minimum outdoor air requirement calculation based on DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir. Changing this setting to <blank> could solve the problem.

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Asked: 2018-05-30 23:30:38 -0600

Seen: 366 times

Last updated: May 31 '18