Natural ventilation for operable windows with temperature and humidity as the parameters to Govern
I am doing one project where i have to use operable windows and want to restrict natural ventilation based on Temperature, humidity and wind speed. Is EMS the only way to solve this kind of problem? or any other component which will allow me to use the parameters that I want to ? It is not a conditioned space.
I will be using Airflow distribution: simple opening object to define my window...I have constant opening factor...No minimum, No maximum.....Window operation will be throughout the night......window operation during the day time will be fixed upon Temperature, humidity and windspeed....
can anyone share your thoughts in this problem?
In continuation to the above question:
Now I want to impose a situation where
if the OA temperature is 31 degC; check for OA RH and of OA RH > 80%; check for wind speed and if wind speed is greater than 0.05 m/sec: operate window...other wise do not operate.....
if the OA temperature is 31 degC: check for OA RH and if OA RH <80%; operate window ........
(like wise I would like to define for different OA temperatures.....I have to define a matrix kind of thing for certain OA temperatures)
what is the command I have to use in this case? is it If....else if.....else?....which command I have to use to test these many conditons.....
Before asking this kind of question, please show what you have tried so far. You can easily look this information up in the E+ manuals. Ctrl+F is your friend.