New measure crashed
Dear All,
I am very new to writing measures by myself.
Currently, to add natural ventilation calculation to my model, I am preparing the method based on existing one. I didn't change much but I cannot solve a problem.
I would like any tips from you to solve this.
Error message is like; "undifined method 'getSchedules' for #-----"
The code of my measure is (only the part seemed to be related to this problem):
def arguments(model)
args =
#populate choice argument for schedules in the model
sch_handles =
sch_display_names =
#putting schedule names into hash
sch_hash = {}
sch_hash << "autocalculate"
sch_hash << "user defined"
model.getSchedules.each do |sch|
sch_hash[] = sch
#looping through sorted hash of schedules do |sch_name, sch|
if not sch.scheduleTypeLimits.empty?
sch_handles << sch.handle.to_s
sch_display_names << sch_name
#add empty handle to string vector with schedules
sch_handles << OpenStudio::toUUID("").to_s
#make an argument for cooling schedule
vent_sch = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument::makeChoiceArgument("vent_sch", sch_handles, sch_display_names, true)
vent_sch.setDisplayName("Opening Area Fraction Schedule Name")
vent_sch.setDefaultValue("Always On Discrete 1 WindStack")
args << vent_sch
I am very happy if you would give me any tips about this problem.
Thank you.
can you list the full error message?
Not only the message shown in the picture? Would you tell me where to check?