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EnergyPlus Solar PV Simulation Output

asked 2018-04-20 10:06:38 -0600

rogerkille's avatar

updated 2018-04-20 12:50:21 -0600

Dear all,

we are a group of four students from ESB Business School in Germany currently conducting a research project which is based upon research from Wharton School.

We have modelled the electricity consumption of our university building with EnergyPlus and are currently trying to simulate the potential energy supply of Solar PV on the roof of our university with weather data from our county.

Big problem is that we configured the Solar PV panels (see screenshot) in the IDF editor but once we simulate (we receive 5 errors) we cannot see the supply in the results (Excel Spreadsheet) - thus we still only see the consumption. Any advice that helps us to set up the simulation for solar panels and the respective output format (site energy production per hour) is greatly appreciated.

This currently hinders our research process. We appreciate any support and would offer the same with similar projects.

Best regards, Jonas Schoell, Jan-Oliver Distler, Linus Keiler and Roger

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@rogerkille have you enabled those outputs?

Avi's avatar Avi  ( 2018-04-23 07:44:44 -0600 )edit

I had a closer look at the error file and changed the distribution object which lead to a large Solar PV generation in our results file. I still need to check if it is possible to get the site energy production (from the Solar PV) per hour. I've also uploaded a weather file from our county.

What do you mean by enabling outputs? How can we do that :-)?

rogerkille's avatar rogerkille  ( 2018-04-23 07:51:42 -0600 )edit

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answered 2018-04-23 08:05:02 -0600

Avi's avatar

Look up in the .rdd file which you will find under the run subfolder of your project folder. This file holds all the available output variables of your model.

In order to enable a variable you should write similar code:

  ,                                       !- Key Value
  Zone Mixing Volume;                     !- Variable Name

You cab read about how to do that in the Input Output Reference.

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Asked: 2018-04-20 10:06:38 -0600

Seen: 973 times

Last updated: Apr 23 '18