PMV analysis on designbuilder
It is more a "philosophical" question here,
So I am working on a project where we are given a terrible performing building and we have to improve it within a budget. I have spent 40K euro and cut my operational cost from 120K to 50K (most part of that is from using better light bulbs). The other thing we could change were the setpoints for the HVAC, the base case had 20 and 21 for heating and cooling setback and setpoints... I changed to 12 / 22 for heating and 26 /32 for cooling. Right after all these changes, I went to look at my productivity based on the PMV... I filtered just the working hours of my building and filtered also just the areas where I get work done (excluded toilets for example)... And my productivity went down from 64K to 58K. It is totally against what I was expecting... I am giving a warmer climate during winter, cooler during summer, reduced glare and excessive daylight... why my PMV there anything else in the big picture I can not see?