Chiller oversizing problem in eQuest
I let eQuest auto-size the chillers for a project I am working on, and it comes out that the report "PS-D Circulation Loop Loads" shows a peak of 4,964 kBtu/h and "PV-A Plant Design Parameters" as well as "PS-H Loads and Energy Usage for Chilled Water Loop" shows the chillers sized for 7.314 MBTU/h. It is sizing the chillers for almost 2x the peak load.
On a second run I sized each chiller (2x) for half the peak load, but I still see the same numbers on PV-A and PS-H. What does it mean, a bug that nobody fixed yet?
Can anybody tell me what is going on, or if I am making an interpretation mistake?
@capaula Good question! I suggest rephrasing the title of the question to capture more of what you are asking. Maybe something like: "Why do PV-A and PS-H reports in eQuest give different sizing results?".