Ice Storage - Charge during night, Discharge during day

asked 6 years ago

A.K's avatar

updated 6 years ago

I have been trying to make an ice storage tank to work as follows: - To be completely charged during night; - To completely refrigerate the building during the whole day; - Plus: I would like to add something like: if the day is too hot and the ice tank has not enough capacity to charge the building, then the chiller can work during day when end fraction = 0.

This is how I have organized the plant topology (sorry, still can't attach an image): - Supply: Chiller - Ice Tank - Demand: Cooling coil

During the day everything is working apparently fine, the tank is discharging and the temperature setpoint is being met. My problem is occuring during night, when the Chiller charges the Ice Tank only as a consequence of refrigerating the zones. The building was not even supposed to be refrigerated during night, but the Ice tank is not charged otherwise. The charging rate is low and not enough to fully charge the tank, so the system cannot work properly.

Maybe I should organized the topology differently, but I'm really not sure how. I have also tried to add a PlantComponent:UserDefined in parallel with the Cooling Coil, in order to impose another demand in the plant besides the coil. Maybe I could succeed in making these loops work separately, but I haven't made any progress so far.

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@A.K I did something similar by using EMS and controlling the charge and discharge based on the day/night while checking the storage conditions. You will need to take the controls from E+ and then create a logic with EMS to achieve this. I am sure E+ might have some direct workaround for your problem. You can share the IDF file or an image in the question itself by using the insert image/attach file option.

rkbest's avatar rkbest  ( 6 years ago )

@rkbest: Could you possibly share your EMS please? Or please advise what the key points in your EMS are. Thank you very much.

Sean King's avatar Sean King  ( 6 years ago )