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Are there any tools to view node time series data after EnergyPlus has hit a fatal error?

asked 10 years ago

updated 7 years ago

I have a fuel cell CHP system which I have based on the SOFC Fuel Cell in the MicroCogeneration.idf example file. When I try to run it I get runaway plant temperatures during system sizing.

** Severe  ** Plant temperatures are getting far too hot, check controls and relative loads and capacities
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=ETI DWELLINGS, at Simulation time=05/07 04:40 - 04:50
**   ~~~   ** Possible things to look for to correct this problem are:
**   ~~~   **   Capacity, Operation Scheme, Mass flow problems, Pump Heat building up over time.
**   ~~~   **   Try a shorter runperiod to stop before it fatals and look at
**   ~~~   **     lots of node time series data to see what is going wrong.
**   ~~~   **   If this is happening during Warmup, you can use Output:Diagnostics,ReportDuringWarmup;
**   ~~~   **   This is detected at the loop level, but the typical problems are in the components.
**  Fatal  ** CheckForRunawayPlantTemps: Simulation terminated because of run away plant temperatures, too hot

I've added Output:Diagnostics,ReportDuringWarmup; as suggested and I now have a CSV with mass flow rates and node temperatures for all nodes. I can use this to diagnose, but it's not exactly intuitive. Normally I use the DesignBuilder Results Viewer tool to check for unexpected behaviour, but when I try to import the .eso file I get this error.

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Are there any tools which can import an incomplete .eso file? Or alternatively, is there a way to edit the .eso file which will allow DesignBuilder Results Viewer to import the data?

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answered 10 years ago

OpenStudio's ResultsViewer works with the sqlite database which mirrors the content of the eso. I believe it will open your incomplete data. You must run the simulation with a request for sqlite output.

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The documentation for ResultsViewer can be found here, including screenshots. You can open any EnergyPlus sql output file, even if the simulation wasn't performed with OpenStudio.

aparker's avatar aparker  ( 10 years ago )

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Asked: 10 years ago

Seen: 741 times

Last updated: Feb 12 '15