EnergyPlus End Uses By Subcategory Table from eplusout.sql
I am using DB Browser for SQLite to read the eplusout.sql. I am having trouble with End Uses By Subcategory table. It does not appear as I would like it to appear.
Here is what I have tried:
Select ColumnName as "Utility", Rowname as "End Use", Value as "Subcategory", Units
from TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName = "AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary"
and TableName = "End Uses By Subcategory"
Can anyone suggest any edits to the above query or if the information exists elsewhere and two tables need to be joined.
Can you provide examples of how it appears and how you would like it to appear?
I would like it to appear as Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating....etc under column titled Utility, end uses under column titled End Use, Subcategories such as Fans, zone exhaust fans, etc under column titled Subcategory, energy consumption under column titled Value and GJ, m3, etc. under column titled Units.
When I run the above query, the Utility column includes the text Subcategory repeated and after a number of rows Electricity, Natural Gas, etc. appear. All the information is there but its not organized the way I would like it to be.